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We need your help
Your tax-deductible donation will help Universal Shaiva Fellowship (dba Lakshmanjoo Academy), share the uplifting teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo and Kashmir Shaivism to provide clear and certain guidance to humanity in this time of uncertainty.
We need your help to continue the work we started decades ago and fully realize Swami Lakshmanjoo's vision of making Kashmir Shaivism available to the world. Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
We are an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable, nonprofit organization. Your donation is fully tax-deductible (for US citizens). We offer a range of giving opportunities.
How to donate
Donate online on this page OR mail your donation (download our donation form above and mail it with check or credit card information to: Universal Shaiva Fellowship, Attn John Hughes, 2870 NE Hogan Dr, Suite E, #106, Gresham, OR 97030-3173). To claim a donation as a deduction on your US taxes, please keep your emailed donation receipt as your official record.
Covid-19 update
The team at Universal Shaiva Fellowship and Lakshmanjoo Academy is working remotely to ensure the health and safety of all staff, volunteers and board members. Your donation acknowledgement will be delivered electronically.
Recurring gift
An automatic monthly (or annual) gift is an easy way to support our work. You choose an amount that works for your budget and know that every month (or year) you are supporting our work sharing Swamiji's profound teachings. Make a recurring monthly donation during the checkout process.
Matching gift
Many companies across the US offer matching corporate giving programs to further increase the value of their employee’s charitable donations. Confirm the details of your company’s matching gift program and how to participate.
Stock donations
A gift of stock is a convenient way to support our work. If you wish to make a gift of restricted, closely held or other non-publicly traded securities, please contact us for instructions on what additional information may be needed.
The Universal Shaiva Fellowship (dba Lakshmanjoo Academy) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of US law.
Giving levels
Your generous support of any amount is deeply appreciated. Donors will be acknowledged according to their wishes.
A note from John Hughes
Many years ago, in Kashmir, I was walking down the road with Swamiji. When I was asked what I would do after he left this world, I replied that I would like to stay with my family in Kashmir and continue to study Kashmir Shaivism. To this, Swamiji replied, “No, you must return to the West and make my teachings live and available to the world.”
With this directive, we at the Universal Shaiva Fellowship/Lakshmanjoo Academy, have dedicated our lives to making this dream a reality. This has only been possible with your help and support.
Thank you.
With Swamiji’s blessings and our gratitude,
Jai Guru Dev
In Swami Lakshmanjoo’s Name

John Hughes,
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
About us
The Lakshmanjoo Academy educates the public and academic community on the teachings of the venerable Shaiva Master Swami Lakshmanjoo (1907-1991) by making available his translations and commentaries of the ancient classic texts of Kashmir Shaivism.
The Lakshmanjoo Academy is a branch of the nonprofit, Universal Shaiva Fellowship, which was established in 1982 and is dedicated to the devotional aspect of the teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo with a special focus on his annual Birthday and Mahasamadhi Celebrations.
We at Universal Shaiva Fellowship and Lakshmanjoo Academy have dedicated our lives to fulfilling Swami Lakshmanjoo's vision by preserving his teachings and making them available in as many forms as possible. We believe that these important and uplifting teachings have the potential to resonate with those seeking clarity in this time of uncertainty and offer "a way home."
Our work
The Universal Shaiva Fellowship and Lakshmanjoo Academy are actively engaged in the following four areas. There is a lot of work yet to be done.
Correcting transcriptions to create perfect records of Swamiji’s lecture/translations.
Editing and publishing Swamiji’s lectures and translations. John Hughes is the editor-in-chief of the Universal Shaiva Fellowship and the Lakshmanjoo Academy.
Providing for study and worship according to the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. We offer free weekly Sangha, online study courses, and annual four-day retreats in Spring and Fall, in person and online.
Creating social media content with daily updates and weekly new excerpts (Blog/Swamiji says), answering questions, and providing information online and by phone.
Organizing annual events to celebrate Swami Lakshmanjoo’s Birthday and Mahasamadhi (traditional fire ceremony) are open and free to anyone.
“In each and every action focus your mind in dvadasanta (i.e. point between the eyebrows). Then held in continuity, one is born anew.”
—Swami Lakshmanjoo
Thank you to our donors
Addy, Cal
Agarwalla, Mahendra Kumar
Ambikananda, Swami
Aum Science and Technology
Benson, Stephen
Banzon, Julian
Bellaggio, Andrea
Barselaar, George
Bess, Jana
Bhajananda, Swami
Bhan, Rommel
Bhatt, Anjali and Suraj
Bhatt, Bhushan and Nancy
Black, Allen
Boag, James
Bourque, Judy
Braroo, Samesh
Cain, Michael
Caldwell, Sarah
Campos, Carlos
Campoy, Marcia
Carney Starr
Catalano, Amelia
Catalano, Bruce
Chapple, Chris
Charitable Trust, Cowles
Chu, Amy
Clute, Mitchell
Cohen, Joseph Mark
Conley, Michael
Cronkhite, Thomas
Dave Bhavin
Dei, Chris
Desai, Keyur
Dhar, Vijay and Rajni
Dose, Claudia
Doshi, Navin
Du, Yu
DuKet, Donovan
Ely, John
Engelbrecht, Luder
Eric Nye
Frenzi, Matthias
Golt Robin
Gorman, Mary
Grattan, Laura
Grignon, Sascha
Guild, Monty
Gurupremananda, Swami
Harding, Elizabeth
Harter, Richard
Hayward, Anthony
Hill, Robert
Hughes, Denise
Hughes, John
Hughes, Shanna
Hughes, Viresh
Irwin, Julie
Jatinder Bhan
(Dr) Kachru, Raj
(Dr) Kafatos, Menas
Kaul, Bindu
Kaul, Shuban
Kemp, Aaron
Kempton, Sally
Khattar, Rohit
King, Elijah
Koul, Ritu
Koul, Sudhir
Krishan, Ram
Laub, Elizabeth
Lim, Roberto
Long, Alan and Kate
MacLaggan, Peter
Majchrzak, Rainer
Mannaro, Paola
Mathieu, James and Barbara
Mattu, Manuja
McDaniels, Michelle
Mercay, Jessie
Munshi, Anusheel
Munshi, Devinder
Nair, Bharathy
Nelson, Lance
Nesovic, Marko
Nipperus, Norman
Oglesby, Chris
Pandit, Bansi
Parupudi, Mukti
Patterson, Shirley
Payne, Larry
Raina, Amol
Raina, Anil and Sonia
Raina, Rajesh and Uta
Raina, Inder Krishen
Raina, Shyamji
Raver, Peter
Reichsman, Ann
Rodriguez, Jorge
Rutke, James
Sachdeva, Ashish
Sadowski, Ellen
Shlykava, Irina
Singh, Nirmal
Sommer, Gernot
Stankov, Milovan and Patricia
Starr, Carney
Sterling, Andrea
Stillitano, Thomas
Stolzenheim, Greg
Stolzenheim, Leanne
Strauss, Timothy
Unlimited, Books
Van Winkle, Michael
Wanchoo, Maharaj and Ranjana
Wacksman, Ben
Weiss, Jody
Wells, Helen
Whiting, Adam
Williamson, Lola
Workman, Karen
Zadoo, Ashish