Swami Lakshmanjoo explains to us what aiming means in the context of meditation in this excerpt from the Shiva Sutras, The Supreme Awakening. The Shiva Sutras is a pure monistic text. It was revealed to Vasugupta by Lord Shiva directly, in verses written under a giant rock in Kashmir. This is from the first awakening, verse 16.
16. suddha-tattva-samdhanadva’pasusaktih //
By aiming at the pure element of Siva, he possesses Siva’s unlimited energy.
Today’s excerpt is a very important lecture on the qualification of Parabhairava, as revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo in Chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita, in the Light of Kashmir Shaivism…
View or download the video on YouTube.
DVD 7 (11:28)
एतदयोनीनि भूतानि सरवाणीतयुपधारय ।
अहं कृतसनसय जगतः परभवः परलयसतथा ॥॥
etadyonini bhutani sarvanityupadharaya /
aham krtsnasya jagatah prabhavah pralayastatha //6//
Sarvani bhutani etat yonini, all...
In this excerpt from The Magical Jewel of Devotion in Kashmir Shaivism – Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa’s Stava Cintāmaṇi, Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals what rasa (taste) means here and why “all paths, even the wrong path, will carry him to You”.
“All pathways, whatever activity you do, this is the pathway, this is the real pathway. Everything is You.“ ~Swami Lakshmanjoo
St.Cin. CD 424 (07:30)
कः पनथा येन न परापयः का च वाङनोचयसे यया ।
किं धयानं येन न धयेय: किंवा किं नासि यतप...
In view of all that is HAPPENING IN THE WORLD, we decided to share a few of Swamiji’s insights/comments and the value of the Aghora Mantra. Also, we have included an audio extract from the 13th Chapter of Kashmir Shaivism, the Secret Supreme, to gain a deeper understanding of Svacchanda Bhairava also known as Aghora Natha, the lord of the three Aghora energies which we recite at the beginning of each Sangha.
The first excerpt is from Swamiji's latest book:...
This week’s lecture is very practical and important, as we all occasionally have to deal with anger and desire and it disturbs our peace and meditation. Here Swamiji explains what do to and how to overcome desire and anger.
This is an excerpt from the third chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism by Swami Lakshmanjoo. The video below has been recorded during the Weekly Sangha #26 where we have been studying the Bhagavad Gita in depth. You can watch and...
We are excited to announce the publishing of "The Wisdom of Kashmir Shaivism".
In the summer of 1987, Swami Lakshmanjoo began compiling what he considered to be the most important verses (slokas) from the various scriptures (sastras) that he had studied throughout his life. Although these verses are primarily from Kashmir Shaivite sources, Swamiji also included verses from Vedantic texts such as the Yoga Vasistha and the Ramayana. Swamiji tells us: “They are for your daily recitation....
In this week’s excerpt, from the book Hymns to Shiva, Utpaladeva’s Shivastotravali as revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo, Utpaladeva explains to us why Lord Shiva destroys this universe. He also talks about why Shaivite yogi dances in the graveyard, and why “everything is divine to them”.
Chapter 20 (34:28)
सतोविनाशसमबनधानमतपरं निखिलं मृषा
एवमेवोदयते नाथ तवया संहारलीलया ॥॥
satovinasasambandhanmatparam nikhilam mrsa /
evamevodyate natha tvaya samharalilaya...
DVD 3.1 (1:00:58)
यशचातमरतिरेव सयादातमतृपतशच मानवः ।
आतमनयेव च सनतुषटसतसय कारयं न विदयते ॥॥
yascatmaratireva syadatmatrptasca manavah /
atmanyeva ca santustastasya karyam na vidyate //17//
And that person who is, on the contrary, atma ratireva, who is focused in his...
This is an excerpt from “The Mystery of Vibrationless-Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism: Vasugupta’s Spanda Kārikā & Kṣemarāja’s Spanda Sandoha" revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo, which addresses the question…
What do you do when you have slipped from that one-pointed-ness, and you have slipped down?
A central theme of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is the highly esoteric principle known as spanda. Swami Lakshmanjoo tells us that the word ‘spanda...
There are three types of spiritual joy (sukha) in Kashmir Shaivism: sattvic sukha, rajas sukha, and tamas sukha. In this excerpt from the Bhagavad Gita, In the Light of Kashmir Shaivism, by Swami Lakshmanjoo, chapter 18, verse 36-37, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains sukha of sattvic [kind] and how this joy seems poisonous in the beginning.
Chapter 18 Part 2
DVD 18b (00:01)
सुखं तविदानीं तरिविधं शृणु मे भरतरषभ ।
अभयासादरमते यतर दुःखानतं च नियचछति ॥॥
Swami Lakshmanjoo talks to Alice Christensen about the final goal in Kashmir Shaivism and what it is like to reach it.
Now with transcript. For Spanish translation scroll down…
This excerpt contains a very rare glimpse into the perceptions of a true yogi, Swami Lakshmanjoo, as he reveals the real goal of Kashmir Shaivism and talks about kundalini.
Alice: Swamiji, and in the Shaivite philosophy you are the greatest living authority in Shaivism. The Yamas and Niyamas are an...
In this excerpt from the Hymns to Shiva, Utpaladeva’s Shivastotravali, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains Utpaladeva’s wonder about being a “slave” to Lord Shiva without seeing his master.
Chapter 12 (58:58)
भगवनभवदिचछयैव दास –
सतव जातोऽसमि परसय नातर शकतिः ।
कथमेष तथापि वकतरबिमबं
तव पशयामि न जातु चितरमेतत ॥॥
bhagavanbhavadicchayaiva dasa-
stava jato’smi parasya natra saktih /
kathamesa tathapi vaktrabimbam
tava pasyami na jatu citrametat //26//